Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Lately I've been thinking about the value of gifts. I like to get them, you may say doesn't everybody. I'm not sure. I don't know if everyone apprecitates the true significane of them. The reason I like them is not that I got something for free, well we usually give in return so they are not really free. What I like is that when I use the gift I remember the person that gave it to me. Here are some examples: A Swiss Army knife my son in law Uli gave me, it's great to take on hikes, even the hikes around Venice, two high quality knives we got for our wedding from friends we don't get to see much that I use everyday, an old wine opener I sort of inherited when Luisa's grandmother died, an electric drill from my father in law, a coffee cup that Callie gave me from a riding competition, the electric grill thing Erin gave us for Christmas one year. Those are just a few that come to mind, but in a life time there are so many more and each one connects us to the person that gave it. Isn't it great to put something on or in your hand and think about for a moment the person who gave it to you.

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