Saturday, November 24, 2012

What we are up to

Things are quiet here, it's too cold to do much outside even though we have clear skies.  There is no rain in sight and no snow in the mountains.  I have finished my two cookbooks and made another little one on how to make a book using Microsoft Powerpoint.  The how to book is based on what I learned in doing one myself without any instructions.  I also included a section on how to turn the paper version into a Kindle version. 

Also last week I finished the first go around on a little remodel project in California, it's nice to be able to keep working there even if I am in Italy.  Thanksgiving was a total loss this year as we don't have the day off, the kids were all busy with school and we don't really have any local American friends.  I may cook a turkey or part of one in the next few days just to get some idea of the feeling. 

This coming week I will also finish my review of VectorWorks 2013 and send it off to interested publishers, as well as post it on my architecture blog.  And then Luisa and I will focus on starting the organization of a children's museum in Belluno.  It is an idea we have had for a long time, but now we have the backing of the city.  They don't really have any money for it, but why let that stop us.  Donations will be accepted.

Giovanni and I continue our karate classes but he is out for a couple of weeks with a broken toe.  He broke it running around the gym at last weeks Sunday karate class.  It had nothing to do with karate really, he was warming up running and stubbed it when a kid stopped in front of him. 

I am thinking that maybe I will pay more attention to the blog for a while instead always posting on facebook.  And by the way, how about clicking on those google ads you see here.  You might find something interesting.  You would be doing me a big favor as well.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Have a look at our book site

I have organized a blog for our books. Please have a look and maybe order a book or two. They make great Christmas gifts. Scroll down to find the latest one about how you can make your own book and publish it on Amazon. I include instructions also for making the Kindle version: