Monday, March 3, 2008

Today a Message

Today, Luisa and I went skiing, the weather was perfect, the snow ok. I think I'm a good skiier which at the end of the day today almost proved my downfall. Luisa was tired so she rested while I took one more run. I went down a black run, the snow was slushy and full of bumps, things were great, my skiis love this kind of snow. I sit back and a let the tips ride up a bit just do nice turns through the slush and mush. At some point I'm going pretty fast along the edge of a narrow run, I'm having a good time. When all of a sudden something goes wrong. I loose it, I can't turn, I'm heading towards the edge of the run out of control. There is only one thing left to do that's sit down and hope for the best. I see a big orange fence with a smaller one in front of it. I think ok, I'll just crash into it. I do. I stop. Then I look down I'm over the edge of a very steep hill full of big trees. My skiis tangled in the two fences, my body a few feet down the steep slope. I can't get up, I'm stuck in the fence and on the edge. Someone stops, asks if I'm ok, yes I say but HELP! I hand him the end of my ski pole ask him to pull me up, another guy arrives, one of the workers skiing down with a shovel. He grabs my other arm and the two of them pull me up. Then the nice guy who works there takes off my skiis and gets them out of the fence. I finally get up and thank everybody put on my skis feeling embarassed about the whole episode and ski on down.

I tell Luisa the story when I see her, she's a bit angry with me saying I take too many chances. I say you're right, and maybe God sent me a little message, a warning to watch what I'm doing.

Tonight I'm working at the computer, Luisa brings me a glass of wine. I think that's such a simple pleasure and so nice.


  1. The edge is usually where you find the best snow but the drop off is a scary thought... glad you made it ok.

  2. Thanks, I've got to slow down a little. Though the last time I went skiing with my two kids a couple weeks ago, everytime I turned around my 6 year old son was right behind me. He would go off and leave me if he hadn't gotten lost last year, doing it. And yes the edge of a skied out run is where I like to stay when I can.

  3. HI John,

    I have sort of a pageranking monitor from Alexa installed on the laptop that I use. I notice your blog doesn't have any. I believe because of this:

    "The reason I justify the time other than it is a bit of entertainment for me, is that by putting ads here some of the time might eventually get paid for. So I'm just asking if you come here as a friend, family member or stranger that you help me keep it going by clicking on a few ads. Each time you do a few cents gets added to my accounts at adsense and others. Thanks, John"

    Google hates to find things like this on our blogs. I believe we are not allowed to solicit clicks for the ads advertised on our blogs. Just a thought. I could be wrong but that's what I heard.

