My personal notes on life and work in Italy and the US. We travel through Europe with our two kids by camper and we work as consultants in everything from construction to photovoltaic plants in the US and Europe. We are licensed architects in California and Italy.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Julia's Communion
allowed. That's funny as I told Luisa before, this is Italy there
will be cameras and there were. Ya gotta love this country for that.
Anyway they had professional photographers there also so we will get
It was a nice service, I felt very good seeing my littlest daughter
welcomed into communion with the church. I wish my older ones would
consider it. But that's another story. After the mass we had 24
adults and 14 kids packed into our little apartment. But it's wasn't
bad, most had to stand. The food was a combination of efforts between
me, Luisa, Luisa's mom and the super market's prepared foods. It all
turned out great and we had food left over so we know everyone had
Friday, May 15, 2009
We need work
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
What is a Typsetter
Since everything today is done with the computer I wonder what does a typsetter actually do. Typsetter can you tell me. I imagine it's mostly about composing sheets.
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Great Deoderant Scam
I usually swim in the local community pool a couple times a week and shower at the pool where I don't have access to my deodorant. What I noticed was that I don't have that dreadful body odor they scare us about in the TV commercials for the next day. So I began to wonder why. I reasoned that it's the chlorine in the water that makes me smell like the pool but at the same time must me killing all the odor causing bacteria. I'm sure you know that when you sweat the sweat doesn't initially smell bad. It takes a little time for those little germs to produce and I guess reproduce.
Thinking about the fact that plan old rubbing alcohol kills some 99% of all germs/bacteria (fill a little bottle with it and use it instead of that hand sanitizer stuff which is just alcohol combined with some jell) I decided to try splashing a little under the arms after my shower. Guess what no more smell, works in fact much better than the deodorant and the cost is next to nothing.
I wouldn't recommend it for anyone who shaves under the arms but they might try some other medical disinfectant such as what they sell here called Lyso Form. And of course the alcohol won't stop one from sweating. But maybe if you aren't worried about smelling bad you won't sweat so much.
Most people sweat when they exercise or exert themselves, are in a hot environment, or are nervous, anxious, or under stress. This type of sweating is both natural and healthy.
Sweating is usually only a minor nuisance. The odor is probably more troublesome. Although perspiration is practically odorless, perspiration can sometimes cause an unpleasant smell when it comes into contact with bacteria on your skin."